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Trending in Kenya

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Trending is a mobile news application that brings together news stories and information from various websites. It can be accessed via mobile devices. Users can also read the latest news in Kenya. It's built on RebelMouse Platform, which helps creatives create digital content. Trending was founded by Ngunjiri Kenya. It provides the latest and most popular stories from Kenya.

Ineos 1:59 Challenge

Eliud, a Kenyan champion in marathons, broke the two-hour barrier in Vienna's Ineos1:59 Challenge this weekend. This race, which is not open to the public, was specifically designed for Kipchoge. It had a rotating pacemaker for speed and hydration, as well as bicycles. The runners were also given pacing lasers to help them maintain a consistent pace and prevent energy loss.

The INEOS 1 :59 Challenge is a sponsored race by INEOS Capital Limited. A number elite athletes compete in the event including Olympic medallist Eliud Kopchoge, and World and Olympic silver medalist Bernard Lagat. It also features all three of the Ingebrigtsen brothers, the current US 5000m and 10,000m champion Lopez Lomong, and the Rio Olympics 1500m champion Matthew Centrowitz.

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Caroline Chemutai Kangogo

Policewoman Caroline Chemutai Kangogo, who is currently on the run, has been arrested at her parents' home in Elgeyo Marakwet County. She was suspected of being involved in the shooting of two men in Nakuru and Kiambu counties. One of those men was a Policeman. This is a significant breakthrough in the case.

Kenyans are asking questions about the case surrounding the death of Caroline Chemutai Kangogo. Two separate murders are suspected of her. The first man was a constable, and the other was a businessman. Kangogo's parents found the last man dead.

Alfred Mutua, Governor of Machakos

Recenty, Lilian Nag'ang'a was elected first lady of Machakos County. This follows her splitup with Alfred Mutua the Machakos County governor. Two months ago, the news of their split broke down. According to her, the breakup occurred because of "the winds and change."

Governor Mutua loves sports and is trying to make Machakos an international sports tourism center. His administration started by building a FIFA certified stadium in the County, which has already hosted several international football matches. Additionally, Governor Mutua has pushed for the construction of eight more stadiums across the county, each with its own staffed sports academies. Some of these stadiums, including the ones in Mavoko, Kinyui and Ikombe, are already being constructed.

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Zanzibar is a fantastic option for anyone looking to get a taste of Africa without breaking the bank. The island, which measures 40km in length, is home to beaches, a tropical climate, as well as a variety of water sports. Stone Town, a small town with Arabian architecture and spice market is also on the island.

In a recent interview, Wasoko Daniel Yu, the founder of an e-commerce company, explained that his company was looking for a supportive African government. To that end, he relocated from Nairobi to Fumba, Zanzibar, where he is setting up his tech head office. This move was made at a time Kenya is considering taxing tech establishments. This law doubles that of the digital service taxes, which are charged on the total value of online transactions.


Which 10 foods are the most nutritious?

It's not an easy task because there are thousands upon thousands of foods that can improve our health and help us live a longer, healthier life. But among them, we found these ten foods that have been proven to be the best for our health.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acid rich salmon may help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce cancer risk.
  2. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These have anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects. They could also prevent cognitive decline.
  3. Broccoli is high-in fiber, folates vitamins C & K, calcium, potassium as well iron, magnesium, manganese and vitamin K. It's also low in calories.
  4. Eggs are full of protein, zinc phosphorous, selenium and niacin.
  5. Spinach contains fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, K, and iron. Spinach is also the only vegetable that contains vitamin B12.
  6. Avocados are rich in unsaturated oils, which may lower the risk of developing heart disease. They are also rich in vitamins C & E.
  7. Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain quercetin (a flavonoid associated to reduced inflammation), which makes them a great source.
  8. Peaches contain vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene. Peaches are also an excellent source of dietary fibre.
  9. Watermelon is a good food source of lycopene which is a carotenoid anti-oxidant. It is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin B.
  10. Nuts are a great source of protein, monounsaturated fat, minerals such as copper, manganese, zinc, and other nutrients. Walnuts have a high level of Omega-3 fatty acid.

What are the essential elements of a healthy lifestyle and how can you achieve them?

A healthy lifestyle involves eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping well, managing stress, and making time for yourself. Your life will be much more balanced if you focus on these five areas.

You feel more energetic and healthier, both physically and mentally.

Your health is a key factor in your ability to make positive life changes. It is possible to feel strong and confident if you eat well, exercise regularly and manage stress properly.

Healthy living does not require a lot of effort. You can ensure that each aspect of your life is treated with the care it deserves by making time to give attention to them.

How many days should I train?

Many people believe that there is no single "one-size-fits all" approach to exercise. This is because every person's body responds differently to different kinds of exercise. So it makes sense to find an activity that suits your body type and schedule.

For example, someone who is physically active may prefer to work out three days per week, while someone who has a low level of activity might do well with just two sessions per session.

Find an activity that you enjoy and is easy to do. Your workout will be more enjoyable if you love it.

Here are some tips to help choose which activities you should include in your week's routine.

Take it slow. Don't rush to get into a full-fledged workout program. Start small by doing 10 minutes of cardio every day or strength training every day. You won't feel overwhelmed if you add more sessions later.

You can be creative and try different intensities of exercises to find the one that you enjoy. You could mix running with swimming, cycling or yoga, for example. If lifting weights is what you are interested in, consider adding resistance bands and kettlebell swings into your workout.

Have fun! Find new ways to make exercise more enjoyable. Use indoor equipment like treadmills and ellipticals. Use your imagination to create workouts incorporating your favorite music, songs, or podcasts.

If you feel ambitious, join a local gym to access classes and use their facilities for free. You'll have the chance to connect with like-minded people, and also meet people with similar interests.

And then...

Balance - You must find balance between activity/rest so that you don’t go overboard. Make sure you give yourself enough recovery time between workouts.

Try to avoid doing too much at once. Spread your workouts out over the week to ensure that you don't do too much in one day.

When you maintain balance, you'll feel more relaxed and energized.

How do you move forward with exercises?

You can't progress unless you do. Here's how.

First, pick an exercise you've been meaning to do for ages.

Next, break it up into smaller chunks. For example, if you'd like to improve your writing skills, select three short paragraphs (or, even better, two) and spend time working on each.

Now go back and split the task into smaller ones. Ask yourself why you are having difficulty completing any of the tasks. Is there an excuse why you aren’t getting started? Are you waiting for inspiration? Perhaps you procrastinate because you are afraid of the entire project. Whatever the reason for procrastination, it is important to deal with it quickly. Don't allow it to fester.

When you are done with the first piece, move onto the next. Keep repeating this process until you've done the entire project.

The same applies to weight loss. Reduce your diet into manageable pieces and focus on one area each day.

This will allow you to stay focused and motivated.

Now you're all set! But what should you do?

Now, let's start by saying: Get moving!

What are the most effective exercises for me?

There are two kinds of exercises: ones that strengthen muscles and those which improve flexibility.

The former increases strength while the latter improves suppleness. Push-ups/pull-ups and chin-ups are all good ways to increase muscle mass. For increased flexibility, you can do pilates or yoga.

Fitness doesn't care how much time you put into it; it only matters that you do it often. Make a commitment to spend 15 minutes a day walking, running, swimming or doing any other activity that suits you.

You will feel happier after you exercise. You'll feel motivated to continue working out.

Consistency is what matters when it comes to exercising. It takes 21 day to establish a new routine. Even if you exercise only for an hour per day, you will still need at minimum 20 hours of consistent training to keep your body fit.

The goal isn’t to do 30 minutes of exercise per day. You should feel motivated and ready to tackle the world after a good workout.

How to Lose Weight Fast and Without Dieting

We all know dieting can be stressful. However, some diets can be worse than others. Fad diets, however, are costly and wasteful.

If you're looking to lose weight quickly without having to diet, this is our top recommendation.

Reduce junk food intake. These are sodas and candy bars, cookies, chips, and any other food that is high in empty calories.

Reduce sugar intake. This applies to desserts, sweetened drinks and all other sweet treats. Sugar gives us instant gratification, so we eat more than we intended.

Avoid processed food. These contain lots of fat, sodium, and preservatives. These foods also lack any nutritional value.

If you are looking for a quick way to shed weight without dieting, then eliminate unhealthy foods. Follow this simple 7-day process to shed unwanted pounds.


  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend keeping added sugar intake below 10% of your daily calorie intake, while the World Health Organization recommends slashing added sugars to 5% or less of your daily calories for optimal health (59Trusted (healthline.com)
  • In fact, up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through your life choices and habits, such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • Avoid fruit juice, even when it is 100% fruit juice. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • Extra virgin olive oil may benefit heart health, as people who consume it have a lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes, according to some evidence (57Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

What are the top 8 tips for healthy living in today's world?

Healthy living involves more than regular exercise and eating healthy. There are many things in our lives that can affect our health.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle requires us to change all areas of our life. It is possible to eat better, be more active, sleep better, have better relationships with our family and friends, as well as reduce stress.

If we don't do this together, none of these steps will be worth anything. These small actions can make a significant difference in how we live and feel every day.

Healthy living is more than taking care of oneself. It's about caring for the people around you. If we share our positive attitudes with others, it helps create an environment that encourages respect and value.

This is about helping children feel loved, supported and cared for. This means being compassionate towards animals and the environment. This includes treating our bodies right and our minds right.

We all know someone who has made great strides towards a healthier life. It could be a friend, colleague or parent, sibling, grandparent, spouse, child, relative or neighbor who has made great strides towards a healthier lifestyle.

Our efforts may not make the world a better place overnight, but we can still make a difference together. Our collective efforts can be used to inspire, motivate, encourage, and empower others in order to live healthier lives.

Surround yourself with people who encourage and support you in your quest for health.

Look to the future with optimism, hope and inspiration by reading the words of success.

The bottom line is that healthy living doesn't mean eliminating bad habits or giving up old ways of thinking. Healthy living is about finding the right balance between the good things and the bad, and creating a lifestyle that supports overall well-being.

These are 8 tips to help you live a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Eat Right. Eat whole foods. But not too often. It should be possible to count the number of times that you have eaten fast food in a week. If you need something fast, grab a salad at work rather than a burger.
  2. Move More - Get active every day! Even if you just walk for 10 minutes outside, it's still progress.
  3. Sleep Well – Make sure that you get enough quality rest every night. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.
  4. Get Water - You should drink water all day. It will keep you hydrated and help flush out toxins.
  5. Regular exercise is key to maintaining a healthy body weight and improving your fitness. Find something that you enjoy, and stay with it.
  6. Get Enough Sunlight - Sunlight is important for vitamin D production. Vitamin D regulates bone growth and calcium metabolism.
  7. Avoid smoking. It is never acceptable to smoke in public places.
  8. Mindful eating is a way to be mindful about what you eat. You shouldn't indulge in sugary snacks or fatty treats. Focus on eating nutritious meals and snacks containing protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.


Trending in Kenya