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Trending Colombia

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You need to be prepared for a Colombia trip if you're thinking of going soon. Here are some things you should know about music and clothing. The Verdi Mochila is one of my personal favorites, but I've also heard great things about SYOU sneakers and Cacao Hunters chocolate.


Coldplay will perform three concerts in Colombia this September, according to the concert dates. Although Coldplay previously announced three concerts in Colombia, tickets for these shows were not available until today. The concerts had been put on hold for several month. The news of additional dates is good news for fans.

The band announced recently the opening acts for their concert in Colombia. Ximena Sainana, a former judge of Mexico Tiene Talento's reality show, will be opening the concert at Foro So in the capital. Fans can enjoy the biggest hits from the band at the Foro Sol.

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Verdi Mochila

Verdi is a beautiful handbag that's both functional and beautiful. The Colombian brand uses a complex design process to combine natural textiles with metal fibres. Mochila by the brand features a unique combination of bright colors, vibrant patterns, and traditional methods.

The brand's Mochila' bucketbag is made with silver-plated strings that are handwoven using an old method. The bag's interior is lined with a luxurious satin material. The bags of the brand are made using a fair-trade philosophy, and are environmentally-friendly.

SYOU sneakers

SYOU& sneakers have a strong focus on quality and sustainable manufacture. Jaap and Merijn Spoorenberg, former Nike executives, created the company. The company is looking to expand in other developing countries.

Cacao Hunters chocolate

Cacao Hunters single-terroir chocolate bars has been noticed by the entire world. They are made using cacao beans from different areas of Colombia. The company also supports cacao farmers from the local area, encouraging them to cultivate heirloom and wild cacao. It produces delicious, healthy chocolate with a rich, wholesome flavor.

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Cacao hunters chocolate is ethically and sustainably harvested. This chocolate is dairy-free, vegan, keto-friendly, and gluten free. Its sweetening is sugar-free isomalt, not glucose.


How can I improve my workouts?

Consistency is the most important rule in any exercise program. This means that you must stick to your routine every day, week after week. Doing this will help your body to adapt eventually and you'll soon be able gain weight and burn more calories.

Although you may have heard this advice before it isn't applicable to your daily life. You will lose weight faster if your meals are taken out only once per month.

That's because when you're constantly eating, your metabolism doesn't slow like if you ate sporadically. This makes sense. Because your body knows it has food at its disposal, it will keep storing fats instead of burning them.

A better analogy would be having an alarm clock set to wake you up every morning. After a few days of using the alarm clock, you will feel more hungry and sleep better.

You shouldn't skip meals and exercise throughout the day. Even if your tired, you won't hunger. But if you wait until nightfall to eat dinner, you'll likely be ravenous by bedtime and crash hard.

The same principle applies when it comes to fitness routines. Do not make excuses, stick to your goals. You will see results quicker than you think.

If you want to add variety to your workouts, try using different weights each time. One example is to alternate between two dumbbells that weigh 5 and 10 pounds. Or you could use three sets of five repetitions with a 10 lb barbell and then switch to doing single reps with a 25 lb plate.

You can mix and match. Instead of performing back squats/lunges/pushes, alternate these movements: squat jumping, leg lifts and mountain climbingers.

Or you can vary your cardio. Try running at different speeds (fast, moderate, slow) or changing the treadmill's incline.

Which are the 10 best healthy foods?

It is difficult to find the right answer because there are so many foods that can make us live longer and healthier lives. These are the ten best foods for our health.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, which could lower your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce cancer risk.
  2. Anthocyanins are antioxidants found in blueberries that have anti-inflammatory properties. They may also help prevent cognitive decline.
  3. Broccoli is high-in fiber, folates vitamins C & K, calcium, potassium as well iron, magnesium, manganese and vitamin K. It has very few calories.
  4. Eggs are packed with protein, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, lutein, choline, B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin K, and vitamin B6.
  5. Spinach has fiber, folates, vitamins A and C, as well vitamin K. Spinach is also one of only vegetables that has vitamin B12.
  6. Avocados are high-in unsaturated fats. This may help to reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also rich sources of vitamins C and E.
  7. Apples are a great source of fiber, vitamin C, and pectin. They are also rich in quercetin which is a flavonoid that helps reduce inflammation.
  8. Peaches are filled with vitamins A, C, and E and beta-carotene. Peaches are also rich in dietary fiber.
  9. Watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid. It's also a good source for vitamin A and vitamin C.
  10. Nuts provide a good source of protein and monounsaturated fats, as well minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, and many other nutrients. Walnuts have a high level of Omega-3 fatty acid.

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Dieting?

We all know dieting can be stressful. But some diets are worse than others. Fad diets are wasteful of money and effort, there is no doubt.

Here's our top tip if you want fast weight loss without having to die.

Reduce junk food intake. This includes sodas, candy bars and cookies as well as chips and other foods that are high in empty calories.

Next, reduce your sugar intake. This applies to sweetened drinks, desserts, as well as other treats. Sugar gives us instant gratification, so we eat more than we intended.

Finally, avoid processed food. These contain lots of fat, sodium, and preservatives. These foods also lack any nutritional value.

If you want to lose weight quickly and without having to die, eliminate unhealthy foods. Then follow this simple system to drop unwanted pounds in just 7 days!

How do you live a longer, more healthy life?

You must eat well, exercise regularly, have a positive outlook, avoid stressors, and enjoy your life.

But there is more to it than that. To live a healthier, longer life, you have to master time management, make the most of your personal time, be effective in communication, learn self-care, and accept change.

Being able to live a happy lifestyle takes focus, discipline, and commitment. However, you can make it a success when you combine them all with the right tools and mindset.

A successful lifestyle requires you to remain focused on the big picture, while making small steps towards your goal. In order for any project to become a reality it must be broken down into smaller manageable tasks.

After completing these tasks, it is important to assess whether they were completed correctly. It's now time to move on to the next task. Planning is crucial here. Without a plan, nothing is possible.

Planning allows you to set goals, make decisions, and execute actions. Planning will help you organize your thoughts.

Planning helps you to have a clear vision of your direction and makes it easier for you to achieve your goals. You'll be more productive if you plan consistently.

How do I move on with my exercises?

Without it, you won't be able to move forward. Here's how.

Begin by choosing an exercise that you have been meaning to try for years.

Next, divide it into smaller sections. For example, if you'd like to improve your writing skills, select three short paragraphs (or, even better, two) and spend time working on each.

Now go back over the original task and break it down into smaller tasks. If you find it difficult to finish any of them, take a moment and reflect on why. Are there reasons you aren't starting? Do you wait for inspiration? Or perhaps you're procrastinating because you feel intimidated by the whole project? Whatever your case, get it resolved immediately. Do not allow it to get worse.

Move on to the next section once you have completed the previous chunk. Continue doing this until you finish the entire project.

The same applies to weight loss. Reduce your diet into manageable pieces and focus on one area each day.

This will allow you to stay focused and motivated.

So now you know everything about fitness! Now, what are you supposed to do?

Let's get started!

How to Start Losing Belly Fatty After 3 Days

Belly fat, a side effect that comes with aging, is inevitable. However, it is now possible to lose belly weight. Here's how...

First, understand why bellyfat naturally occurs. The metabolism slows as people age.

This means they burn fewer calories during the day. They also store more calories as fat because they are burning less calories.

You must also understand why most diets don't work. Most diets only aim to decrease calorie intake.

This works temporarily. These diets are temporary and can help you regain any weight that you have lost.

Third, you must understand why certain exercises work. Consistently doing the right exercises can help you reduce belly fat.

Here's how you can get rid of belly fat

  1. Start with eating healthy. You should ensure that you get enough protein, fiber and water.
  2. Follow a low-calorie diet. Avoid counting calories. Instead, track your macros.
  3. Every day, exercise. Get in shape by running, biking, swimming or other cardio-related activities three times a week.
  4. Use natural remedies. You can try apple cider vinegar and flaxseed or green tea.
  5. Get plenty of water. Don't skip meals. Take small bites of food throughout the day.
  6. Sleep enough. You should get at least eight hours sleep each night.
  7. Reduce stress levels. Find ways you can relax and unwind.
  8. Be patient. You can lose belly fat quickly if you follow the steps above.
  9. Keep your motivation high. You need 21 days to create new habits. You'll soon see the results if you make a commitment to changing your lifestyle.


  • Sugary drinks, including energy drinks, fruit drinks, 100% fruit juice, soft drinks, and flavored coffees have lots of sugar and little to no nutritional value. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • In fact, up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through your life choices and habits, such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, we should strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week (54Trusted Source Smoking, harmful use of drugs, and alcohol abuse can all seriously negatively affect your health. (healthline.com)
  • Even a modest weight loss of 5% to 10% of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars.1 (cdc.gov)

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How To

How to lose weight quickly and easily without dieting

Weight loss is not always easy. Many people struggle with losing weight, even if they eat less than others. You don't have to eat a lot if you want stubborn belly fat to disappear. Instead, you need to follow some simple tips.

  1. Get breakfast every morning. Breakfast boosts metabolism and helps you burn more calories per day. Consume at least 250 calories each meal.
  2. Drink plenty of water. Water flushes toxins from your body, keeps your skin hydrated, and aids digestion. Each day, aim to drink eight glasses.
  3. Exercise regularly. Exercise can improve your mood and self-esteem. Walking, swimming, biking and working out at the gym are all good options.
  4. Get enough rest. Your bloodstream levels of stress hormones will rise if you aren't getting enough sleep. This causes increased hunger and cravings. Make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep each night.
  5. Sugary snacks should be avoided. Sugar spikes blood sugar levels, causing insulin production to rise. Insulin converts food into energy, and stores excess calories in fat cells. You can keep your hunger under control by avoiding sweets and avoid excess weight gain.
  6. Select lean proteins instead of red meats. Protein is a building block of muscle mass that burns more calories than fat. Lean proteins include chicken breasts, eggs, fish, eggs, tofu and cottage cheese.
  7. Make sure to keep portion sizes under control. The size of our meals plays an important role in how much we consume. Small plates will result in fewer meals. For serving pasta, rice, or potatoes, use smaller plates.
  8. Don't skip meals. Skipping meals can cause overeating later in the evening. Eat three large meals and you will feel fuller more quickly. Regular meals will keep you fuller longer and prevent you getting hungry between meals.
  9. Add spices to your dishes. Spices add flavor while helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The health benefits of cinnamon, ginger garlic, ginger, garlic cloves, basil, oregano and rosemary, as well bay leaves, are numerous.
  10. Cook with olive oil instead of butter. Butter, with its saturated fats, can block the arteries and lead you to heart disease. Olive oil, on the other hand, contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
  11. Consider taking probiotics. Probiotics help your digestive system function properly. Studies show that taking them daily may reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
  12. Always buy organic produce. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or chemical fertilizers. They are also free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  13. Go green. Get green. Leafy greens like spinach, kale and lettuce are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients boost your immune system and protect against cancer.
  14. Include nuts in your diet. Nuts are rich in fiber, protein, and beneficial fatty acid. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts are some of my favorites.
  15. Have fun. Laughter is great medicine. It releases endorphins that are natural painkillers. They improve your mood, and make you happier. Laughter stimulates dopamine release, which can make you happy.


Trending Colombia